Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bird's the Word

So this whole thing with me liking birds sort of began as a joke between my sister and me. I did a painting of an abstract bird and well she named it "failed bird." I won't even approach the question of whether or not her choice of name reflects my painting abilities. Anyway, this painting in a sense spurred my newfound (dare i say) obsession with birds, bird objects, etc..I feel like people (Rachel, Sarah) think I pretend to like birds, but I reallllly like birds, especially vintage ones (i'll explain later). So my mission (or one of my missions as I have hundreds) is to dig deep and discover what it was that initially made me take a liking to birds and bird items. It's actually the bird items of which I'm particularly fond. I mean actual living birds are cool too, but I don't see one fly by and get a tingly feeling or even any sensation that remotely resembles a tingle. But who knows my interest in birds could possibly escalade to that level. Let's hope not as I'm not quite sure how healthy of a thing that would be. Recently i've been googling phrases such as 'vintage bird' just to see what images the search engine will return. It took some sifting through of the results, but nevertheless I found some that truly illustrate the type of 'bird things' of which I am fond. Here ya go............

We begin with 'mapbird.' I admit I was slighly hesitant to include 'mapbird.' He/she doesn't exactly fit the mold, but as you can see he/she made the cut(no pun intended). After a second glance, I realized that only one of the four featured birds is an actual 'mapbird.


Next we have a gorgeous necklace from JeweledElegance. Check it out!

A nice cream and green pillow from...i'm not sure where this is from

Love these pillows from AlanaHennessy

This is all for now, but do not fret for there there are more birds to come!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Awkward Turtle

So I'm trying to figure out just exactly how common it is for someone to know what the "awkward turtle" is. I guess I didn't hear about it until I went to Rhodes. Somehow the subject was brought up at work and the only people who had heard of it were former Rhodes students. However, when I google 'the awkward turtle' it seems to be a fairly popular hand gesture. Yes, it's a hand gesture. Basically it's used during an awkward moment of silence. People at work made fun of me even having heard of this. Maybe that makes me awkward. Or better yet maybe that makes them awkward.Hmmm either way I don't I've actually ever used this hand gesture, but I'm thinking now could be the time to start. You're probably wondering how this hand gesture goes. Well, I initially was going to post a picture demonstrating it, but I wasn't able to find one that did it justice. So, I'll just leave it to the imagination. And anyways, if you're reading this you're probably a friend of mine and have already seen me do it. In conclusion, I'm not posting a picture of the gesture!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pretty Pretty

These three rooms represent precisely the decorating style that I want to implement in my new house. I really like the photo groupings in all three rooms. Putting together groups of photos and actually making it look good is a little tricky. I'm hoping to paint the living room/den a bluish color, but not quite as bright as the middle picture. Anyways this is slightly boring, but I do love these rooms! Now all I need is several upon several thousands of dollars. Anyone want to contribute to my fund? If so, just ask me and I'll tell you where to send the check. Thanks so much!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cheese for Sarah

Well this might be short because I can't hold my eyes open. I was going to attempt to make a cheesy post for Sarah because I know she makes fun of me for having a blog, but I'm too exhausted to do so anymore so I'll do it tomorrow.
So I will leave you with this "Vintage power flower cat." I did not, by the way, make up the name.

Love you Sarah! Sorry I wasn't cheesier.

Rebecca <3

Friday, February 20, 2009

From Ballet Slippers to Wedding Bells

So the first of my close friends is getting married this weekend. We met in 3rd grade in Ms. Henry's class. One of the most vivid memories I have of Mary is a pink ballet sweatshirt that she frequently wore. Funny how certain details like that stay with you for 15 years. Out of all my friends, I have known Mary for the longest amount of time. When she was moving out I really hit me that we are full blown adults getting married, working full time jobs, etc. There were no warnings. It just happened. Suddenly the lives we're leading are the lives we once dreamt about. Now, of course, they don't look specifically as we anticipated, but nevertheless we are living them. It's scary and wonderful. There never are warnings in life though. Well actually there are but typically we don't realize that they were warnings until after the fact. I'm not feeling particuarly verbose this February afternoon, but I will share the below images and my thoughts regarding them. Some are symbolic; some just happen to appeal to me.

I liked this image for various reasons. For one, it's a ballerina and made me think of Mary's sweatshirt. Also, I really like the blending of colors in this image. And I really like ballet because it evokes elegance and grace. If I could do things over I think that's what I would aspire to be. Just kidding. But it's fun to imagine.

This is a vintage bridal pattern or so it says. I like the way the women pictured here are portrayed. Aside from their physical attributes, these women don't exactly appear happy. Shouldn't you be happy during wedding preparations? Okay okay, I know this is just some pattern, but still! Either way I like the image. The victorianesque dresses are gorgeous and the sentiment that the women are protraying is intriguing.

These don't look like your typical modern wedding dresses. Well, they're not and I wouldn't wear them, but I do find them quite pretty. So feminine. The middle one is my favorite. Given the appropriate style wedding, I might actually consider something of the sorts.

Well I have run out of time and it's time to go celebrate with Mary the biggest day of her life. Hopefully she won't be wearing a ballerina sweatshirt :) But hey, if she was I'm sure Ty would love her all the same.

Oh and I just wanted to share this quote from The Great Gatsby

He smiled understandingly–much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced–or seemed to face–the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistable prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey.
-F. Scott Fitzgerald

I'm not sure I've met anyone like that. At times, I might have thought that I had, but in all honesty I don't think I have. Maybe one day!

To ballerinas, friendship, weddings, and love. Cheers.

-Rebecca <3