So i've been wanting a MacBook for several several months, and well the other day I was just "messing" around on BestBuy and accidentally ordered one. Afterwards I thought to myself, "how could I make such a huge accident." I immediately called the Best Buy customer service hotline (I honestly did!), and requested to cancel my order. They informed me that I should receive an e-mail confirming my cancellation within 48 hours. So Monday morning I received an e-mail, but it wasn't confirming any cancellation whatsoever. Instead it stated that my order had been shipped. (?) So, once again I call customer service and they tell me that there was some type of system flaw. Of course I'm secretly hoping that the computer will just get sent to me anyway and then I'll have no choice but to keep it. However, the nice lady on the other end of the line tells me that they will intercept the shipping and cancel my order. Well, about a day goes by and this same lady informs me that they weren't able to stop the shipment and they she will e-mail me postage to return it. I told myself that I would wait until I got settled into my new houe before I made this purchase, but come on it kind of seems like fate. No matter what I do the computer keeps trying to find me. So, I guess I'll just keep it? I hate to send it back after all of this mess : )
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