i'm fairly certain that if i woke up to this ultra cool mural every morning that i might decide to skip work a tad bit too frequently.
instead i'd probably listen to songs like this
With a long lag runnin'
Upon the silver grass
And there is no future
Remember not your past
And the horses runnin',
Horses runnin' free
And you need not wonder
Of how it came to be
And Lord, I get so high
At the speed of sound I spin
Then I come down, I come down
Come down, I come down
Turn around and do it all again
And the song you're singin'
It has always been
Down through the ages
Has been echoin'
That no man can own you
No man can own you, see
If in your dreams you really
Dreams you really be
And Lord, I get so high
At the speed of sound I spin
Then I come down, I come down
Come down, I come down
Turn around and do it all again
and shop for things like this
truth be told i bought this today :)
first image from the home of blogger here's looking at me kid
have a lovely afternoon!
8 months ago
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