image via loveology
one of the reasons why i love music is because it makes me think. and most of the time it makes me think about some pretty important facets of life. today was one of those days. i was driving down a familar road on a rainy dreary morning and then i noticed that the sky was blue. i always though it was purple, but i discovered today that it is blue. BLUE. astonishment ran freely and wildly through my body. see i told you music is a powerful tool. and that, my friends, is just one of the reasons why i love music.
moving on to more important matters....okay so truth be told when i was driving today what i really thought about was my friends. i know i have wonderful friends. but today i felt particuarly thankful that there are people in my life that would do absolutely anything for me. i'm pretty lucky. and i know i don't express it enough, but hopefully my closest friends know that i would do anything for them as well. okay, enough of the mush...i think that's why my mind veered in the first paragraph. i'm always hesitant to share with the world my mush. but when it's true and important to me, i don't really care.
moving on to more important matters....okay so truth be told when i was driving today what i really thought about was my friends. i know i have wonderful friends. but today i felt particuarly thankful that there are people in my life that would do absolutely anything for me. i'm pretty lucky. and i know i don't express it enough, but hopefully my closest friends know that i would do anything for them as well. okay, enough of the mush...i think that's why my mind veered in the first paragraph. i'm always hesitant to share with the world my mush. but when it's true and important to me, i don't really care.
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