"These days come and go, but they say nothing, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they slip as silently away. "
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

This was my senior (high school) quote. I honestly just kind of randomly picked it out late one night. My mom always liked Emerson therefore I had read some of his work. Normally, I would pine over this type of decision, but for some reason I just saw this, immediately liked it, and without second guessing myself, submitted it as my senior quote. And in retrospect, I don't regret it one bit. Maybe that's how I should approach every decision in my life. I feel like that's what I'm doing a lot of the time...not using the gifts these days bring. I see these days. I see what they offer and their worth, but am I really embracing them with everything I have? I don't know the answer to that and I am fairly certain that if the answer were yes that I would undoubtedly know it. I feel like some tiny portion of me is still waiting to get to this place in life where I am certain that I'm living the life that I'm meant to live. But I think I've come to the realization that that I probably NEVER going to happen. Not because i'm pessimistic. I just don't think that anyone ever truly reaches that point. Sure, there are times when I feel that way, but those times are fleeting. And truthfully, I guess I wouldn't want to ever reach that point. Life is a constant fight. As I face ups and downs, my persepective on life changes. Right now? I definitely see it as a fight. But definitely a worthwhile one. And definitely a fight that includes breaks. Breaks in the form of good friends, a beautiful spring day, and just the simple things in life. Okay, now I'm beginning to bore myself. But I really am serious about all this. Promise. Just time for me to go! And experience a break. I take lots of those. And I'll take all I can get. I need to work on my fighting skills....
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

This was my senior (high school) quote. I honestly just kind of randomly picked it out late one night. My mom always liked Emerson therefore I had read some of his work. Normally, I would pine over this type of decision, but for some reason I just saw this, immediately liked it, and without second guessing myself, submitted it as my senior quote. And in retrospect, I don't regret it one bit. Maybe that's how I should approach every decision in my life. I feel like that's what I'm doing a lot of the time...not using the gifts these days bring. I see these days. I see what they offer and their worth, but am I really embracing them with everything I have? I don't know the answer to that and I am fairly certain that if the answer were yes that I would undoubtedly know it. I feel like some tiny portion of me is still waiting to get to this place in life where I am certain that I'm living the life that I'm meant to live. But I think I've come to the realization that that I probably NEVER going to happen. Not because i'm pessimistic. I just don't think that anyone ever truly reaches that point. Sure, there are times when I feel that way, but those times are fleeting. And truthfully, I guess I wouldn't want to ever reach that point. Life is a constant fight. As I face ups and downs, my persepective on life changes. Right now? I definitely see it as a fight. But definitely a worthwhile one. And definitely a fight that includes breaks. Breaks in the form of good friends, a beautiful spring day, and just the simple things in life. Okay, now I'm beginning to bore myself. But I really am serious about all this. Promise. Just time for me to go! And experience a break. I take lots of those. And I'll take all I can get. I need to work on my fighting skills....
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