i'm sure there are an endless amount of strange pointless things that i do routinely, but i noticed one in particular today. and i caught myself almost laughing out loud because it really is something quite silly. so a lot of times at work i go to the bathroom (sounds normal, right?). i'm sure everyone does that at work several times during the day. but i go probably more than the average person because a lot of times i go just to walk around, look in the mirror, check my teeth, make sure my clothes are still properly aligned on my body the way i prefer, etc... well, when i go to the bathroom without the intent to actually use the bathroom, i prefer for no one else to be in there. so if anyone is in there, i fake cough and walk in the stall and fake blow my nose. pretty frequently, people will ask me if i have a cold and a lot of times i lie and say yes. i need to stop doing this. it really makes no sense and sadly it just hit me today what a senseless act it is. i've done if for at least two years. people probably think i have a permanent cold. either that or they think that i am an idiot for trying to conceal my vanity. end of today's random blurb. happy weekending.
8 months ago
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