for quite a while, there's been something lurking inside me telling me that i should get the heck out of memphis? why? well, there's several reasons. first and foremost, i've pretty much lived here my whole life and that's just not an acceptable thing to do. or is it? honestly, i can't answer that question nor can anyone for that matter. while yes there is something to be said for moving and experiencing something new, something fresh, i don't think that necessarily means that you have to move to experience life to its fullest. anyway, i'm still at a loss at what i'm supposed to be doing today, what i should do tomorrow, next year, or what i was supposed to do yesterday. but the important thing is just to keep doing, right?
anywayyy, this article was really though provoking and made me question why i want to move and whether its due to my own fears and insecurities with my current situation or because it's God's will. answers to come probably in several years or probably never ( at least in this lifetime ).
and as an extremely irrelevant sidenote, i really like this illustration of the united states that RELEVANT had with the article. pretty!
happy reading! happy wednesday! sorry for the misspelling and grammar mistakes.
RELEVANT magazine article
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